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HomeopathyIntroducing highly diluted doses of natural substances to activate the body’s own healing responses.
Nutrition & Lifestyle ChangesAdjusting what you eat, the supplements you take, your activity levels, and sleep habits to better support your overall health.
Auricular AcupunctureA specific type of acupuncture targeting specific points on your ear based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles.
Herbal RemediesUsing single herbs or personalised blends in tinctures, teas, tablets, or topical preparations to stimulate or soothe.
IridologyExamining patterns in your iris to gain additional information about your general health and constitution.
Flower Essences & HomeobotanicalsUsing more subtle properties of certain plants and flowers to boost emotional and physical well-being.
Modified FastingAdapted fasting techniques that are easier and safer to follow when your digestive system needs rest.
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